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What if I told you that my Grandmother was the original Pinterest princess?  And her one of a kind creations speak truth to us even today.

My Grama was a bit of a collector.  Her quaint war-time home was stuffed to the brim with knick-knacks, hand starched doilies, and row upon row of African Violets.  As the summer breeze whispered warm through the kitchen window, the melody of tingly glass wind chimes danced in the air.

Growing up, I often lacked confidence.  My insecurity seemed set in stone by unfortunate episodes of my dress tucked in my undies, falling up the stairs and other disastrous examples that years later I still can’t seem to forget.  

But at Grama’s house, it was different. We spent the days outside, watering flowers, visiting friends, and having tea.  She seemed to enjoy spending time with me.  And come evening, she would “skootch over” in the rocking chair to make room for my bony butt and I can’t think of a single place I’ve felt more loved.

Her décor was eclectic, to say the least.  Every wall was adorned with the most original handcrafted signs designed by none other than the spunky lady herself.  She painstakingly snipped consonants and vowels out of piles of old magazines and glued them with glitter and yarn onto Styrofoam deli meat trays.  She was also the princess of recycling. 

As I describe them, I suppose these plaques were a bit odd, even back in the day.  But for me, the truth contained within them returns to my mind years later.  Pinterest move over, Dorothy coming through.

  • For by grace are ye saved, through FAITH.
  • Some folks miss heaven by 12 inches.  The difference between a head knowledge and a heart belief.
  • Love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.

I wish I could go back there today, back to the carefree life of a little girl.  Back to the feeling of being treasured, cared for, and loved.  And even as I consider this, I’m reminded that I really am all of these things.  You are all of these things.  We are God’s treasure.  He chose us.  He cherishes us and loves us. He delights in us.

Listen, sister I could really use a reminder these days.  Could you?

We all need to have signs, reminders to fill our heads with God’s truth. Wall plaques, recipe cards, notes on your mirror.  Have his Word visible throughout the day, where we can read it and soak it in.  Reminders of who we really are.  Daughters of the King.

Styrofoam trays are optional. 

I am a child of God. John 1:12

I am chosen. Col 3:12

I am adopted by God.  Romans 8:15

I am delighted in.  Zeph 3:17

I am a masterpiece.  Ephesians 2:10

I am created for His glory.  Isaiah 43:7

Tess Scott

Tess Scott

Tess is a wife, a mom of 8 boys and Grami (with a heart above the i ) to 9 adorable grandchildren. She loves antiques at auction, reading a good fiction novel and soaking up the sun in her backyard with her bff.