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It’s a stressful time.  Bob Goff says that the world feels like someone took your sock drawer out and dumped it on the floor.  That describes pretty well how life seems to this slightly OCD personality over here.  It all feels a little hellish. 

Normally, I like to know what my day will look like ahead of time.  I usually decide before seven a.m. what the menu is for dinner and I complete household chores on schedule in a sensible order like most sane people, I suppose.  But our world looks anything but normal right now.  It’s upsetting, off-putting, a tiny bit scary for some and terrifying for others.

 We go out once a week to purchase groceries these days and line up down the block to wait our turn as a limited number of customers are allowed in the store at one time.  Many items are scarce, whole rows of shelves lay bare.  Every week the same, yet it’s still shocking to see.  No baking ingredients, no hand sanitizer, limits on eggs and the list goes on.

Countless businesses are closed, only essential workers are still employed, and parents are learning the bittersweet frustration of home schooling their own children.

Public parks and beaches are roped off to discourage groups gathering and hopefully help stop the spread of the virus.  “Social distancing” we’ve learned to call it. 

Gradually, we’re beginning to realize that life is changing drastically and not just for a short amount of time.  I wonder if it will ever be the same.  I doubt it.  And maybe that isn’t a bad thing.

A friend of mine reached out to me, bitter and confused.  Where is God in all of this?  It doesn’t feel to her like God is near.  Maybe he stepped away from the group chat and then all hell broke loose on planet Earth.

But no; of course we know that isn’t true.  And God is never surprised.  He’s aware.  He knows what’s happening.  And what about her feelings?  Sometimes God does feel far away.  But we know feelings are not truth, sister.  Let’s search together for truth.

Deuteronomy 31:6 says:  “Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.”

So then why does he feel so far away?  Right now in the midst of COVID-19 around the world, let’s examine our thoughts.  What has been our focus, you and me?  Daily, we are bombarded with news reports, social media, even conversations all surrounding this virus.  We are constantly updated with the number of cases, outbreaks, deaths, projections, graphs, tables, speculations.  It is difficult to go an hour without thoughts of this pandemic echoing in our brains.  Negative news, fear, worry, disappointments constantly circling the track in our heads and leading us to these familiar emotions of fear, insecurity, anxiety, sadness and more. 

It’s not wrong to be sad.  I get that.  A lot of people are losing a lot of things right now.  And not only things, houses, businesses, opportunities but also loved ones.  It is devastating.  And grief is absolutely normal.  Grief is necessary.  Let yourself and your people grieve.  But please, don’t stay there. Turn your focus, turn your eyes, on our God.  He’s right here. We know that is true.

A few years ago our 3-year-old grandson spent the night at our house.  My husband woke to these sweet words “Gwandad, tan we pwease have some bweakfast?” whispered very quietly.  When Grandad opened his eyes, the wee boy’s face was hovering barely an inch above his own, nose to nose.

I think that’s the way it is with God.  Some people don’t think he exists, and others think he is out there, somewhere.  But for those of us who have a relationship with Him, I want to remind you, God is right there, an inch from your nose.  He hears you, night and day.  He hears your anxious thoughts.  He hears your fears, your sadness, your wonderings, and your doubts.  And He cares.  Talk to him.  Focus on him. 

Romans 15:13 says May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I want to be filled with Joy and Peace, don’t you?  So as we trust God (who has always been trustworthy), He will fill us with this Joy and Peace.  And in turn, we will overflow with Hope.  And Hope is exactly what all of our people are looking for today.   

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❤ Tess

Tess Scott

Tess Scott

Tess is a wife, a mom of 8 boys and Grami (with a heart above the i ) to 9 adorable grandchildren. She loves antiques at auction, reading a good fiction novel and soaking up the sun in her backyard with her bff.