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You can learn a lot about a person by seeing the front of their fridge.

I’ve had an index card stuck to my refrigerator for many years.  It’s not a pretty recipe card from a new bride’s box of tasty meal ideas.  No whimsical flowery border or country chic design to be found.  Rather, it’s stained, battered and worn.  It’s been clutched and crumpled, held tight and thrown to the side.  It’s a lot like me.

I’ve always found this kind of thing appealing.  Time after time I choose the vintage piece with a history of its own over the newest IKEA product.  And sister, this card tells a story.

A good friend gave me this verse at a time when my entire life was unraveling.  Like a freight train out of control, I could see the damage before it happened, but I was powerless to stop it.

My world felt thick with grief. Intense fear paired with anger to weigh me down.  The future was charcoal black and it was all I could do to lift my head from the green bedroom carpet.

We spent hours on the phone, sobbing, praying and reminding each other (and ourselves) of God’s promises.  And as tightly as I gripped the card in my hand, I struggled to hold the truth in my heart.

I desperately wanted to believe it.  But I couldn’t see it.  All I could see was darkness.  Shattered dreams, broken promises, and unending pain.

So I read it.  Over and over I read these words of God.  Out loud and whispered quiet, I read it.  Angry shouts echoing in the dark and pleading questions through streaming tears.

And listen sister, nothing changed overnight.  But God reminded me, day in and day out of His truth.  He showed up.  He healed me.  And I realized I never knelt on that green carpet alone.  He was there.  He was listening, drawing me to Himself.  He was building me up. 

Today, I turned the card over and noticed the date.  May 2, 2013.  Since 2013 I have been separated, divorced and remarried (all to the same guy!).  I’ve watched two sons get married, seven grandkids come on scene and my own dad die.  And God has always been faithful.  As only He can be.

How about you?  Are you weary of fighting a difficult battle?  Do you know a world heavy with darkness and fear?

Listen, sister there is HOPE.  And He wants to meet with you.  He crouched with me on the floor in the dark and He’s right there waiting for you.  Call out to Him. 

And someday you will join me with our tambourines – dancing with the joyful!

♥ Tess

Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; Yes, our God is compassionate.
Psalm 116:5

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.
Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt,
O virgin of Israel!
Again you will take up your tambourines,
And go forth to the dances of the merrymakers.
Jeremiah 31:3b-4

Tess Scott

Tess Scott

Tess is a wife, a mom of 8 boys and Grami (with a heart above the i ) to 9 adorable grandchildren. She loves antiques at auction, reading a good fiction novel and soaking up the sun in her backyard with her bff.