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What if I told you that a one hundred-year-old rooster gave me food for thought this week?

As a little girl, spending days with my Grama was the best thing ever.  With nothing but time on our hands, we huddled close, sipping warm tea while singing along to old records or watching Bob Barker give away prizes on the big console TV.

Our meals were simple and yummy and finishing my plate was never the prerequisite for enjoying dessert.  Soft oatmeal cookies and fresh fruit, covered in cool cream.  I can almost taste it today.  

Grama poured cream from a hand-painted rustic rooster.  He was unlike any pitcher you’ve used in your home.  At least, I imagine this to be true.  His paint was well worn and his beak chipped but I thought him to be stately and magnificent.

The noble rooster was originally owned by my great-grandmother Belle and reportedly served cream fresh from the cow’s udder. 

When I asked Grama why this precious heirloom wasn’t resting in the china cabinet, she answered matter-of-factly,

“He was made for a Purpose.”

Never mind the scrapes, the chips, the hairline cracks.  This pitcher was made to be used.

Today, as I glance over at my rooster, retired to the shelf, it gives me hope.  I’m reminded that despite my age, my struggles, my mistakes and past failures, God still intends to use me.

But wait.  Maybe not despite my cracks but actually because of my flaws I’m a prime candidate for service.  I am well acquainted with weakness.  I realize that when God calls me to something, there is no chance I can do it in my own power.  But I have God’s power shining through my cracks.

Do you ever feel like my rooster? Worn?  Faded?  Used.?  Me too!  Sin from my past (long forgiven) weighs heavy on my heart.  I’m certain the big mistakes I made will disqualify me from anything good in the future.  I’ve screwed up way too many times.  I wonder if God only uses the “good girls” in his great plans.  And girlfriend, if this is true, I definitely did NOT make the cut.

But listen, sister, that is not true!  God (who moulded us into being with His own hands) chooses to forgive.  He loves us despite all of it and invites us into His big adventure.  The only requirement is a willing heart.  Isn’t this amazing news?

Tell God today that your heart is willing.  Get ready for opportunities to love people.  But be warned, it will look entirely different than you expect!  Rest assured, it’s going to be an amazing adventure.   He is waiting for you, just the way you are.  Cracks and all.

♥ Tess

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.   2 Corinthians 4:7

Tess Scott

Tess Scott

Tess is a wife, a mom of 8 boys and Grami (with a heart above the i ) to 9 adorable grandchildren. She loves antiques at auction, reading a good fiction novel and soaking up the sun in her backyard with her bff.