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Have you ever had a random song stuck in your head? Just when you think you’ve got it beat, the wayward melody barges in, again and again.

It was mid-morning in my new “working from home life” and I caught myself singing “Who’s in the Wiggle House, who’s in the Wiggle House, who’s in the Wiggle house today?”

If you don’t have littles at home, or grand-littles visiting, you may not recognize the theme song of this popular kid’s show.  It’s the equivalent of “The Song that Never Ends”, that one verse infinitely repeating children’s classic made popular by Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop, back in the day.  Second verse, same as the first.

I immediately looked around, wondering who’s in Tess’s house, slightly embarrassed by my choice of music.  But the little ditty played relentlessly in my head throughout the day, despite my best efforts to stop it. 

I imagined a vintage record player, the needle reaching the centre and returning to its base in silence. Ah!  Silence.  Moments later, I was humming the tune yet again.

Isn’t this always the way with our thought life?  I’m often unaware of thoughts playing in the background of my mind.  When at last I’m mindful of them, they’ve inevitably been nattering at me subconsciously for many moons, somewhere beneath the surface

Harmless, (albeit annoying) jingles are sharing my headspace with more dangerous thoughts – full-blown lies.  Lies the enemy has planted about my value, my future and my past (long forgiven) have settled in too comfortably.

And believe me when I tell you that a post-cancer body is fertile ground for the enemy’s deception, insecurities, fear and worry.

Simply deciding to dismiss these thoughts has never worked for me.  Have you ever had someone tell you NOT to think of an elephant?  I bet you see his swaying trunk and floppy grey ears every time.

Let’s assess the information we are shovelling into our minds in the first place.  Personally, I have been guilty of spending far too much time on social media.  Facebook especially reels me in like a fish dangling from a hook.  Losing all concept of time, I mindlessly flip through picture after picture, post after post. 

Girl engrossed in her cell phone.

This is precious time that I’m wasting.  Time that I can never recoup. 

If I’m honest, I can watch my mood spiral downward as time marches on.  Fixing my attention on stories of the virus, the protests, and more and more people inciting hatred is anything but helpful to me.  To be honest, I’m sick of it.

People unknowingly sharing half-truths and passing along videos they don’t realize have been edited and clipped to show only the story social media prefers to make known. 

Blood boiling, I call on every ounce of self-control, desperately hoping to avoid fuelling a fire.  Bite your lip, girl!

Listen, sister let’s take a step back.  Instead, of hours on our phones, let’s consciously fill our minds with what we KNOW to be true.  Purposefully open a Bible and read truth, it will refresh you!  Let’s remind ourselves and each other of our true identity and be filled with joy and confidence to move ahead with our purpose in mind.  Love people.  Share the good news.

♥ Tess

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Philippians 4:8

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Tess Scott

Tess Scott

Tess is a wife, a mom of 8 boys and Grami (with a heart above the i ) to 9 adorable grandchildren. She loves antiques at auction, reading a good fiction novel and soaking up the sun in her backyard with her bff.


  • How interesting that boring old “reading the Bible” can still offer refreshment and a much-needed reset to our thoughts and mood.

    • OH I so agree John!!!! It is the most refreshing, true, encouraging,ROCK that I stand on!!! taking every… atleast attempting to… thought captive and making it obedient to Christ