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As the delicate pink blossoms smile back with much needed hope of balmy days ahead, another Mother’s Day approaches. Although I’m not embracing this “new normal” and can be distracted by current restrictions and rules, I’m reminded that although our world is ever-changing, even today we’re the same women inside.

Some of us are moms of little ones, changing bums and longing for five minutes of time to ourselves.

Some are parenting teenagers.  These precious people are white-knuckled, hanging on for dear life on a hormone-driven roller-coaster.

Others have spent long years raising their kids into adults and now dwell in much quieter (and often tidier) homes.

Most of all I’ve been thinking of those who have not yet worn the “Mother” nametag.  Countless women ache for motherhood with fractured hearts as they anxiously watch months pass by them again and again. 

 Let me tell you about just such a woman, one whom I deeply admire.  She grew up with the life goal of being a wife and mother and if the appointment of “Mom” was based on credentials she would have it hands down.  She has every quality that a good mother possesses.  But, she has yet to officially become one.

It’s been a puzzling, heartsick journey for her, and I’ve watched with absolute respect as this young lady has been an incredible example to me.  You see, she doesn’t spend her days pining for what she doesn’t have.  Instead, she pours her entire life into other people, especially children.  She delights in and cheers on her friends’ kids.  She’s a big sister and has fed into the lives of little sisters in the most loving and determinedly consistent way for years.  As a foster parent, she sacrifices her life on a daily basis.  My friend has forever changed the trajectory of the lives of a whole slew of children. This woman is an amazing “mom” in so many ways.

I think that no matter what stage of life we’re at, it is common to search for purpose.  We can be disillusioned when we think we know what we need, and God isn’t giving it to us.

Or maybe we were on a roll there, raising kids and now they’ve moved out.  There were times (mainly in the teen years) that we begged God for this day, but now that the nest is empty, we aimlessly search for direction.

Listen, sister, God has a purpose for you right where you are today.  It may not look like what you thought it would, or what you would pick given the choice.  Take a step back, change your focus, and watch for ways to serve others.  There are lots of opportunities that fit your distinct gifts and personality. Start with something small. Ask God for ideas.

If we intentionally think outside of ourselves, we can enrich the lives of others and find purpose right where we are today.

“Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the LORD.  Isaiah 54:1

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Tess Scott

Tess Scott

Tess is a wife, a mom of 8 boys and Grami (with a heart above the i ) to 9 adorable grandchildren. She loves antiques at auction, reading a good fiction novel and soaking up the sun in her backyard with her bff.

One Comment

  • Ann says:

    Love the reminder that God has a purpose for each of us, right where we are. I love that about God! Thanks Tess for the reminder.
