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Have you ever heard of a chivaree?  It’s a hilarious age-old redneck marriage custom that, sadly, seems to have died out over the years.  I’ve got a good mind to resurrect it, but none of my unmarried kids seem to like the idea.

Soon after the wedding, a large group of friends and family gather again to pay a surprise visit to the happy couple.  This happens late into the night and usually after the rowdy gang has been into the sauce for a bit.

The newlyweds are shocked awake by the deafening scream of a chain saw roaring directly below their bedroom.  The uninvited entourage parades, hootin’ and hollerin’ into the humble abode at the first crack in the front door, making themselves comfortable as the blushing bride panics.

The night of tomfoolery includes such fun as hiding all the silverware, relocating the dining set to the roof, Jello in the bathtub, and my personal favourite – removing labels from all the cans.

Shortly after my wedding, my always supportive brother Jack offered to babysit my house.  You know, to make sure nothing terrible happened while we were out of town.  How kind.

We returned home to a few practical jokes and vowed retribution if ever he could find a girl adventurous enough to agree to marry him.  The odds were low.

But it wasn’t until many weeks later the most surprising discoveries were made.  I was annoyed to find my salt shaker full of sugar, and I was more bummed out to inadvertently add tabasco to my butter tarts.  But the greatest shock came when the wrong label on cornstarch resulted in a hearty pot of beef stew exploding all over my kitchen. 

Scrubbing meat and vegetables from your ceiling does nothing to quell anger.

False Labels

Sometimes I get all messed up inside because of wrong labels on me too.  When I’m tempted to toss the laptop through the front window after I’ve repeatedly forgotten the password, I call myself dumb.  When I’m so tired I can’t seem to put one foot in front of the other after 9 p.m.,  I label myself old and worn out.  When I compare myself to the pretty girls who seem to have it all together – well, you get the idea.  You see, we all sport labels of some kind. 

People inadvertently assign us labels.  Our friends, our co-workers, even our parents negatively tag us, and these descriptors can stick hard.

  • Uneducated
  • Disorganized
  • Failure
  • Lazy
  • Blabbermouth

We even stick labels on our own chests from time to time and often these labels are hurtful and destructive.

  • Divorced
  • Rejected
  • Loser
  • Unloved
  • Stupid

But here’s the thing.  Only the manufacturer knows what’s truly inside.  Only our Creator gets to say who we are.  My friend, when we let these inaccurate labels define us, we’re in for a heap of trouble.

All false labels come straight from the father of lies.  He’s sneaky and unscrupulous as he whispers them to our brains.  But listen, sister, he doesn’t get to say who we are! 

And there’s more Good News!  We CAN combat those false descriptors and live in our true identity.   Here’s the 5 easy steps I’ve been working on these days:

5 Step Plan

  1. Pay careful attention to your thoughts.  Stop and notice when you hear yourself think,  “I am so __________ .“
  2. Compare that thought to TRUTH.  Is this what God says about me?
  3. SQUASH the lie. Audibly say, “That is NOT TRUE.”
    *people may stare at you when this happens in public. Personally, I pretend I’m wearing air pods and fake a phone conversation.  Avert your gaze and point to your ear if it gets too awkward.
  4. Envision ripping off that lie label and tearing it into teeny tiny pieces, denying it the chance to condemn you any longer.
  5. Cover yourself in TRUTH.  Stick the Truth label right over top.  Use Guerilla Glue.


And what does God say our labels should be?  Here are a few ways God describes the people who love and follow Him:

Listen, sister let’s pay careful attention.  Listen to your thoughts.  Scrutinize your labels and make sure they’re an accurate match for who your Creator says you are. 

We are:


Welcomed by God


Dearly loved

And so much more!

With these correct labels firmly fixed, we are off and running to do what we were made to do!

♥ Tess

 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.  Phil 4:13

 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.  1Cor 6:20

So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience;  Col 3:12

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Tess Scott

Tess Scott

Tess is a wife, a mom of 8 boys and Grami (with a heart above the i ) to 9 adorable grandchildren. She loves antiques at auction, reading a good fiction novel and soaking up the sun in her backyard with her bff.


  • Well said. I find that the negative labels happen for myself on two distinct occasions: when I am tired and when I am stressed. When I am both together, I am fighting a huge cloud of defeat.
    Thank you for shining the spotlight on this.

    • Tess Scott says:

      I appreciate this insight. Stress and lack of sleep definitely set the stage for bogus labels.