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The MGM lion roars as the audience settles into their seats.  The buzz of excitement overpowered by the thundering film score.  In gigantic, bold letters the movie title unfolds.  Tess 2020.

My chest burns hot.  My mind reels.  The thought of my life on the big screen for all to see is terrifying. 

  1. Who plays me?
  2. What about all of the terribly awkward things I seem to continually do?
  3. Covid hair…

Believe me when I tell you, there is not a single movie-worthy event in my life these days. I have lots of dreams, goals and ideas I intend to get around to.  I just haven’t had time.

Have you ever said (or heard it said if you’re under 40) “There are not enough hours in the day?” 

I wonder how many hours would be enough for us.  25? 26?  If we had 5 additional hours a day would we devote them solely to important, life-changing events?

And while we’re fleshing this out, which activities are important? Which are the essential actions we need to spend time on?

As Jesus Girls, I believe we are “On Mission.”  Now, that sounds like an exciting adventure movie, doesn’t it?  We’re called to share the Good News.  We’re told to spend our lives loving other people.

Sometimes love looks like delivering meals or listening to a friend’s bad day or explaining why we have joy and hope when it makes no sense in undeniably difficult circumstances.

But love comes at a cost.  Maybe money, always time.  And we value time in our society, don’t we?  Sort of.

If someone asks for help on moving day, you may not have time.  Read your Bible every morning? It’s difficult to find the time.  But I suspect every one of us has absentmindedly clicked on Social Media and been lured into a twisty-turny fox hole, oblivious to our surroundings, for minutes on end.  Haven’t we?  Most of us carry around a mini life suction machine, right in our own hands, draining away minutes over and over, day after day. 

Studies show that in 2019 the average cell phone user spent 2 hours 55 minutes on their phone every day.  I suspect that number is much higher in 2020, don’t you?  I found this even more shocking when I realized this daily screen time adds up to over 44 DAYS a year! Honestly, when I check my own screen time app, I am often surprised and frustrated at the score.

We all start out with the same 24 hours in a day.  The number of days – unknown.  This is the thing about time, we can’t make more (our days are literally numbered,) we can’t put time on hold, and once it’s gone we can never get it back.  Listen, sister use it wisely. 

Here are a few suggestions I’m preaching to myself lately:

  • Be conscious of this Time Perspective and live intentionally. 
  • Think about your goals for the day, the month, the year and revisit this list often to stay accountable.
  • Limit Social Media.  Avoid the foxhole, turn off notifications.
  • Ask God to open your eyes to see opportunities to love on people.
  • Grow a courageous spirit.  When God shows you an opportunity (and He will) … DO IT! 
  • Live in the moment.  Be present.

It’s deflating to glance back over the day and witness myself running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Have you ever actually seen this?  It’s a bloody mess.  Not only is the chicken flapping in circles accomplishing no good thing, she is also completely unaware of her predicament.

By living life in step with the Holy Spirit, our story will be one of adventure, love and deep purpose.  And that’s a movie I look forward to watching.

♥ Tess

He has told you, O (wo)man what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?  Micah 6:8

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.  Mark 16:15

Tess Scott

Tess Scott

Tess is a wife, a mom of 8 boys and Grami (with a heart above the i ) to 9 adorable grandchildren. She loves antiques at auction, reading a good fiction novel and soaking up the sun in her backyard with her bff.


  • I was taken by that image of the chicken… I have never thought of it so accurately. Wow good image as I try to ‘fit’ those things into a day that i may not need to do! Thanks for being diverse in your topics and always focusing on scripture


    Very great one Tess !! Soo true. where does the time go and what did we do with the time we had ??? When older ……………….not old ………but older…………. one realizes they are trying to accomplish all the “stuff ” that seemed important in their lives but really in Gods time……..not important. thanks !!