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He sauntered into the pub, exhausted after a long day and instantly the room roared in unison “Norm!”. This iconic scene from the old TV series “Cheers” reminded me we all truly long to be known.

Can’t we all identify with this?  To the sweet sound of our tribe, our peeps calling us by name?

Back in the day (and I prefer it, let me tell you) we met most often in real life.  Face to face gab sessions took place around the kitchen table.  Doing life together.  Sharing struggles and victories over a bowl of Doritos.  Hanging with my gang of girls, and being known. 

This burning hunger is an innate desire, woven deep within us by our Creator. It’s a marvelous feeling to be recognized by those who love us, to be welcomed in.

Today, we often see this manifest in Social Media.  We’re posting and checking, re-checking with bated breath.  Longing for likes.  Counting an abacus of followers and friends. 

Listen, sister we are already known! 

We don’t need to struggle for attention, to fight for followers and fake friends.  We’re fully known by our Creator.  He is the answer to our deepest longing. He knows us intimately and loves us still.  THIS blows my mind!

It’s true.  God sees within us.  Every secret thought in your head, every reaction in the dark, every hope you barely latch on to, and the dream you dare not speak out loud. 

And not only does God love us, He delights in us.  Tenderly He sings over us, like a mama lullabies over her newborn babe.  Whispered songs of peace.  Oh, how I need to remember this.

He longs to meet with us, to hang out and listen.  To speak acceptance and understanding.

So, let’s take a load off.  With God, there is no pretense.  He’s waiting to hear from you, sister.  Whether you chat with Him often, or it’s been a very long time.  Maybe never before.  Come as you are.  Wear your track pants.  No filters, no faking.  Welcome in.

1 Corinthians 8:3   But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.

Tess Scott

Tess Scott

Tess is a wife, a mom of 8 boys and Grami (with a heart above the i ) to 9 adorable grandchildren. She loves antiques at auction, reading a good fiction novel and soaking up the sun in her backyard with her bff.

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